Podcast Test

Monday, April 27, 2009

Click the title above for this weeks Integral Advice audio podcast. Three questions answered by our panel of iEvolve coaches. (note this is actually just a test)

Second Post Test

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What is a Break-Through Initiative? (this question from one of our Drishti listeners)

Participants will also bring their learning into tangible application within their organizations through engaging in small project, or what we like to call Breakthrough Initiatives. A breakthrough initiative, in terms of this One Sky project, has some antecedents in development theory including appreciative inquiry, stretch goal thinking as well as direct correlates with the UNDP Leadership Development Program as explained here:


A breakthrough happens when one achieves something that was previously seen as impossible for the community one serves. During the Leadership Development Programme, participants in small teams form breakthrough initiatives that are laboratories for trying out new ideas and methodologies, and vehicles for producing measurable results. Breakthrough initiatives must fulfill certain criteria including: leverage, visibility and measurability, producing near-term results, going beyond ‘business as usual’ (e.g., reflecting velocity, productivity, innovation, effectiveness, participation, impact, efficiency).

first post test

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where is the next cool iEvolve event?
Well Pancho, thats an easy question. The next hip iEVolve event will be in Boulder. Its the Sex, Spirit and Shadow workshop. We like to call it Triple S. A full five days of getting into the sweaty and gritty of your life.
For more info go click this link HERE.